Sunday, June 22, 2008


I wasn't in the church long until I found myself in conversations which expressed much disgruntlement over the smallness and faithlessness of "them". It was never about those within the discussion circle. It was pretty much "their" fault as to why the church was in irreparable disarray.

Likely we have all been guilty of such talk.

I urge you, yea remind you, to speak so as to give grace to those who hear. We shall not deny we have much need to grow up and to grow into wonderful new zones of God's fortune. However, He is looking for a few good men (and women) who will express their stance by faith and not by doubt.

If He led the church to begin with awe He can do it again. If He urged the church to be enthused by His riches, and power, and glory He can do it again. God knows how to make mole hills out of mountains. Furthermore, we believe He can.

So, let us scratch our negative views of the church regarding where it is not and begin to put our faith where our mouth is to speak great, robust life into the very grand scheme of kingdom things. With God all things are possible; including converting nay-sayers into yea-sayers!


Anonymous said...

Amen! esc-new subscriber hailing from Riverside COC in Gassville, AR.

Brenda said...

I like that! yea-sayers!
I tend to steer clear of the negativity in churches. I've seen how it can destory me...and a church as well. When you get wrapped up in negativity, your faith and hope start to be distorted. It's Satan's nasty way of getting us right where he wants us. Putting the positve back into play is where we can really see converting happening. People come becuase Jesus was a positve man...and I think in church...they are looking for that same comfort. Why not start with us?
Love you!

Anonymous said...

hey man, I really appreciated your lesson last wednesday at UCC. I needed to hear it. thanks a lot.