Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I wish to inspire thinking. What do you think about? What are we to think about?

I simply want to urge you to ponder God working inside the box and out. It seems it is true that much of our travels (in the thinking processes) keep circling where we've been. This is neither unusual nor sinful. Yet, God is one who blows the cobs out of imagination.

I encourage you to imagine what isn't yet but could be. To be certain the concept isn't new. However, new thinking is always new. I don't think I'm off base to say our efforts to apply greater imagination is God's way of getting us to talk grown up talk to Him. Rather than our ritualism of help me here and bless me there (which is certainly legal), we too can leap into the vast world of mystery and wonder and get lost in imagining what could be.

George Pepperdine did it to begin a college and someone along the way imagined setting up shop out on a cliff along the Pacific Ocean which is today simply breathtaking. Someone did it to begin Oklahoma Christian. Someone else envisioned various children's homes. Alan Bryan saw the possibility of establishing a Tulsa Soul Winning Workshop when there had not been one.

The days of discovery are not over. Take inventory of where people hurt, what they need, where it could go, and develop thinking God-style which will capture another generation of believers. Days of complete fulfillment are wide open to entrepreneurialship of radical faith. We can be sure that anything we can imagine being accomplished, God can trump such imagination...Ephesians 3:20.

Walt Disney? Colonel Sanders? Bill Gates? Oprah? Ah, nice guys and gal. But they didn't reduce "imagination power" one degree. They haven't drained the imagination pool. Go crazy thinking about God's creation and what you might instigate to open His purse strings a bit more!


tim rush said...

happy birthday!

Don't know if I'll get to talk to you or not today... so wanted to wish you a happy birthday before I head out the door.

Wow! So 55 years ago today you were turning 12?!?

Terry Rush said...


55 years ago I was turning 6, little man! Don't make it more than necessary!