Monday, May 12, 2008


The American economy is the talk of name brand media and coffee shop experts. It has always been. With today’s escalating fuel prices which forces increase of every other piece of goods we buy, there is plenty to discuss. I say what a time to watch our language. The economy of words is also near crisis mode.

What we say either builds up or tears down. Seldom does it remain neutral. Negative speech is ripping America. The price of gasoline wilts in comparison. Because man is created in the image of God, we take on some of His characteristics, even those who don’t believe in Him. He created the world by speaking. Our talk is creatively powerful. We speak and moods shift; up or down. We can create confidence or failure by the words we freely and often unaccountably toss here and there.

Parents have to watch what and how they speak to their kids as such language creates temperament and disposition in the young hearers. Preachers and teachers have to be as careful. What we say builds the church or pulls it down. The Word Economy is a potent matter. We must not take it lightly.

I have been on a Word Economy campaign for several years. It’s sadly fascinating to me to encounter several generations which are experiencing new life because they finally learned how to undo the negative talk they endured when younger. While we think of ourselves as insignificant to the process of large life we must think again. What we say doesn’t just matter; it takes form (becomes form) in those who listen to us gab.

See the world. Do something about it. Speak life into everyone who crosses your path.

I’ll be out of town ‘til Friday.

Take a look at the clip on

1 comment:

Brenda said...

Words are one of the most powerful tools we use in today's society.
Earlier this year, I decided...made a resoltion I clean up the words that come out of my mouth. I've noticed I get laughed at for the words I make up and do say, but it's better than what I use to be.
I had a heart to heart talk with one of my kids this week that told me I still needed to change "the way" I speak. That I need to be more encouraging and polite in my words. Kids are so right. I really have to watch EVERY word that comes out of my mouth.
I'm moving in a direction that I want to go, but not there yet. But if we all as friends and family move in the same direction of being the ultimate encouragers, we may just all get there together one day. I don't want to be a complainer, but an encouragerer.
Love you today!