Saturday, March 15, 2008


Imagine that seven Christians from, let's say, rural Kansas decide to risk money and time in hopes of evangelizing a remote mountainous area deep inside communist China. Prospects are slim. Weather conditions and guides indicate this trip is not worth the effort. Fasting and praying prompts the magnificent seven to continue their trek. Establishing a New Testament church within the heart of the Chinese borders would be too good to be true.

Imagine after bouts with influenza and fatigue the seven arrive at a camp just outside of Phan Yung weary but hopeful of what God might do with them for the next twelve days before returning home to Flatville, Kansas. The troops slip into their sleeping bags following a meaningful time in praise to the Overlooking God with genuine anticipation God will work.

Imagine the elation of the seven breaking through the wooded curtain as they come upon a village of believers of Christ Jesus. The Chinese Christians were found to be a sweet tribe filled with gratitude for a book left behind in the early 1920s. Two ancestors had been able to translate the writings and began the religious practice of baptism for the remission of sins.

Imagine the seven finding this village had already established Sunday morning services in which they shared what was called a communion meal recalling the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. Too, the backward people had established Bible study groups, youth groups, women's retreats, began a crude announcement sheet requesting special prayers and informing the community of gatherings. To their dismay the tribe even sang A Capella from three old thread-bare books brought back from an open-air market across the mountain in the late '50s. One gifted man lead the congregation in singing which was some of the most beautiful voices the Kansans ever heard in their lives. The church even had a small food pantry for those in the area less fortnuate.

Imagine the jubilation and celebration of the seven to make such a thrilling discovery. It would be too good to be true! What Church of Christ would not be absolutely thrilled to walk into such a marvelous discovery? What Church of Christ would not consider this a powerful provision of the living God?

Then, why can't we be just as thrilled over each other who practice the same things here at home? Have we lost the vision of our own miracle? Have we become so routine in our doctrine we have developed hearts of criticism rather than wonder? Have we the need to become converted once again? I think the mission trip of Jesus to earth is still a thriller in our own land!


Terry Laudett said...

Thanks for the post! I was just wondering...was the story about the church in China true? It sounds like it actually happened.

Terry Rush said...

Terry, I made the story, including the Chinese territory and the Kansas town, up simply to making my concluding point.

Terry Laudett said...

Thanks, Terry. I have read true stories similar to the one you told, but I was not sure about this one. You made an excellent point with your story, though.