Friday, February 01, 2008


We have so many fun and amazing things going on. In getting ready for the Soul Winning Workshop, one of the things we wanted to accomplish was to have a new DVD series ready with the intent of inspiring congregations in Bible classes and small groups to reach into their communities. By His grace we are getting it done.
The 100% Natural Evangelism ad is designed by Memorial Drive's Theresa Underwood.
This will appear in the workshop magazine. I get so excited to see our people come alive within the range of gifts God has given them. Theresa is a gift to this congregation. I applaud all of our workers; all of our believers. It's this caliber of work we perpetually see coming from God and through His people. I always dreamed of working in a kingdom like this. Now, I get to!

1 comment:

Theresa said...

Dear T,

I just wanted to comment on your blog. And I wanted to say that the other T is kind of a big deal. ;)

Love you today!

-the other T