Tuesday, November 14, 2006

Peak Effeciency

Do any of you ever feel foolish at your computer? Just how smart is this little gray box, anyway? It can do things I will never think to require of it. It can twirl, it can dance, it can skip, it can prance its stuff. Yet, I call on it to do maybe.....1% of its capability, if that much? Do we ever connect with the software's maximum capabilities? I doubt we get close.

Shawn Mayes is a PT working with me as I prepare to return to the Cardinals Legends camp. He has me stand on one leg atop a half rubber ball about 18" in diameter to teach me balance when coming off of the mound. At first, I could not remain balanced for even a few seconds. When he taught me to contract my stomach muscles, I can stay balanced a long time. How much of our physical prowess do we neglect because we simply didn't understand how things work?

I heard a healthy looking man who possessed maybe 1% body fat speak at a Peter Lowe Seminar about diet. He explained in overwhelming detail about chemical interactions and fuels for the body that my mind could not possibly take in all he was saying. Don't eat fruit after 4:00 p.m. because such interferes with other chemicals and on and on he continued. My conclusion was, "Donuts are out?"

Study of the Bible floods the brain as well. There is so much to know. The name of God...and how many names? The intriguing connections to Jesus' instructions which could be better understood if we were Jewish. Yet, the Jews struggled to understand him. When we speak of restoration we must consider we are most likely only speaking of the half % we know.

My point? Don't become enamored with what you know in any field. Whatever it is you have gained is but a fragment of a fragment of what there is available to absorb. So? Park your high-horses. We are all foolish....even in our strongest environment.


Shawn said...

Terry: What a great thought. I was reading Dusty's blog this morning and he was asking about our favorite OT characters and I immediately thought of the tower of Babel builders. Of how they thought they had discovered a physical way to get closer to God. I then went over to your blog and it was confirmed. We do not know as much as we think we do. We don't have God figured out as much as we think that we do. As the Babel builders were thinking they had it figured out....God scattered them and seems to have said, figure out that. I love the way that God exists in such NONPREDICTABLITINESS (that's gotta be a Rush word)
I have but one last question for you. When you are balancing on that 1/2 ball, do you really have any clue where your hips are and what they are doing?
I love you brother - Shawn

tim rush said...

Dad, great stuff. Very good for me to read this morning.

Hey Shawn, did dad's last post remind you of anything?

Shawn said...

Tim: did you not read my response to your dad's last post? the thought of that made me laugh harder than his post. Dusty, don't go and get the big blog head or you will quickly be atop the list of celebs with enormous heads.

tim rush said...

Shawn, just read it. Let me say, it gets harder and harder to keep that story under raps.

Anonymous said...

Wonderful thoughts Terry! Thank you for sharing. I miss you here in Edmond. :)

Liz Moore said...

Great Thoughts!! I am so thankful we are all foolish so there's no use in trying to know everything :) My brain stays in overload most of the time anyway just trying to keep up with the day! It's good to know that now I have a reason to not try and cram anything else in it :)