Wednesday, August 21, 2013


We must not be flippant toward the II Corinthian 4 passage which insists the inner man is renewed day by day.  Man is continually tossed and challenged by the earth process that age implies maturity.  The stress over this is that it is true that we do tend to mature over time.  One must guard, however, to see that the maturing does not develop hardening of the faith arteries.

So how do we get younger as we age?  Only the Spirit-realm would instigate such a concept.  Yet, we are called to abide.

Age, it seems, can either harden or renew dependent upon whether one is natural or spiritual.  To me, a mark could be whether one is growing dim in kingdom vision (old) or increasingly wide-eyed (younger and enthused) about matters of the God-Life.

Some age in crusty stuckness; others in pliable openness.

The line is drawn at death and the resurrection.  To abide in death is surely stuck.  To experience resurrection power (II Cor. 13:4) is to become newer day by day.  Believers grow younger.  Followers of the Jesus model grow newer; new life, new vision, new direction, and new experience.

This is why church is never to be ho-hum.  It is not stuck.  Jesus pleaded that the traditions of men would stall the church.  Why?  Unspiritual men cloud the Light of Glory.  In this case our eyes are distracted to follow the restrictive measures of failing man.

God is the Visionary and the Creative Wonder of each new day.  May we join in robust enthusiasm for the talent of God which He insists He has yet to display even a hint of all He has in store...I Cor. 2:9.

Crotchety and complaining or positive and adoring?  Grumpy or cheerful?  Age; natural age takes us one direction and spiritual age leads us into the marvel of another way.  One spreads death; the

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