Wednesday, November 17, 2010


If Henri Nouwen wrote it, I want to read it.  This author continually reshapes my heart for God.  If you want to know a good book to get a dear one for Christmas, I highly recommend The Wounded Healer.

Addressing the complexities of man, Nouwen wrote, His goal is not a better man, but a new man, a man who relates to himself and his world in ways which are still unexplored but which belong to his hidden potentials.  That line speaks to my heart!!!!!!!!!!

Not until this morning did the sentence strike me as an ah-ha moment.  My spirit enjoys much of the Restoration Movement; yet our brotherhood's devotion to it seems misplaced.  We have not been called to restore the church.  We have been called by the Restorer so He could build the church.  There can be a difference.

One of those differences is the hunger many of us have to know what hasn't been discovered; to walk where no one thought to walk.  We are not expected to be a part of a Restoration Movement; but an Exploration Movement.  Our inability to make this very slight adjustment could be the link which polarizes much of the Church of Christ.

I love the idea of learning.  Yes, we surely do learn from history; especially biblical history.  Yet, His comment on the plow---looking back---should motivate us to explore (looking forward) over restore (looking back).

Because the Restoration Movement is not an actual Bible term, I believe there is room to ponder what we might become---at least as much---instead of devoting ourselves to studying what we've been.


Anonymous said...

I've also thought it a bit ironic that we think it's wrong when another group follows a man's interpretation of the Bible, when to a large extent that's what we're doing with Stone and/or Campbell in the Restoration Movement.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for a great post Mr. Rush. I've often found woefully lacking the whole idea of trying to replicate "the first centurty church", for two main reasons:

1) in all frankness, most churches of any kind don't look anything like the church did at its inception and shortly thereafter; So if that's our hope, we're hopelessly lost.


2) we should be the church of the TWENTY-first century anyway, b/c that IS what we are!

God wasn't just the God of the first century, He's still God in this twenty-first century. He does not need us looking backwards (to the Restoration Movement or beyond) to achieve His purposes today. Rather, what a joy to be part of His present, and future to come!

Brian's Bibilcial Minute said...

I see the restoration movement happening when one accepts Christ and the Spirit indwells that persons life. We have our "man-made" restoration movement that really sounded good back in the day. However, there is no one that can create a movement like God can through His Spirit!

As far as looking back, I love history. I love learning about all those who lived before us. I love reading about the progression of our times until now. We learn a lot through history. Sometimes, we learn what not to do. In that light, history is good.

One of the historical comments in the "restoration movement" that has done more harm that good is: "Speak where the bible speaks, and be silent where the bible is silent." We lost our freedom early on.

We try to free people from dictatorial regimes because of oppression and the lack of freedom.

Within our fellowship, some of our leadership have been oppressive and held the reigns of doctrines so tightly that we have choked out many.

I agree, we have wrongly names "the restoration movement." It is and only is the SPIRIT of God that does the REAL Restoration Movement!

Anonymous said...

In other words, we need to restore "movement."

Paul Dennis said...

May I have permission to share your entry on 'thnaksgiving' with some of my friends. I will note that you are the arthur and will provide a link to your blog.

Terry Rush said...


Of course.