Sunday, March 14, 2010


What kind of garden would you like? Full of vegetables? Only flowers and shrubs? Mostly vegetables with a rim of flowers? So what will you have? Whatever you plant.

Life in the kingdom is about planting. We plant our future crops. The Bible says the result is what we plant; one doesn't plant corn and get cucumbers.

So what kind of garden do you wish to live? If friends, be a friend. Sow friendship. If you don't want friends, don't sow it because that is what you will get. Money? Give money away. Sow money. Health? Sow hours at the gym; you'll have better health.

So much of life is not dependent upon destiny nor coincidental breaks. It is based on a very simply principle; what we sow we reap.

Whether you would like peace, leadership, encouragement, or world vision, if you plant the seeds to such you will begin to see the garden of the same. While life in Christ is a hyper-mystery for us to stand in awe, there are many things we can anticipate if we will but note the simplicity of His mystery.

1 comment:

Vasca said...

Your are an inspiration to so many; me especially and my Michael as well. Everyone needs encouragement and you ALWAYS encourage me...more than you realize. Comments from you give me a blast of God-ness and so appreciate you.

Each morning, first thing we read is Morning a rush it is...a rush of God-ness.

"Thank You God for putting Rush in our over him and keep him going...he's a keeper! In Your Son's Name, Amen"