Thursday, October 30, 2008


Do you ever feel proud that you are so doggone humble?

The humility factor is of great importance to God. When we want to know His will, humility is always a part of the equation. God is opposed to the proud and this is why the church has struggled so much over the decades. It has been proud of how it is the church; how right, how orderly, etc. God opposes such an attitude.

God draws to humility. Look at famous Bible settings and notice how God responds favorably to the humble: David vs. Goliath, Mary while Martha criticized, the man who wouldn’t look up while he prayed as the one beside him thanked God he was not like the loser who wouldn’t look up, the younger prodigal while the older prodigal balked, Stephen being stoned, Paul and Silas sweetly singing in prison, etc.

Spiritual leadership is about not knowing what to do. It is about not having all of the answers. It is about saying things like “I got it wrong” and “I’m sorry”. Spiritual leadership knows the score; it is all about Jesus and none about self. Ego is a sneaky sort. If it can’t come in through the back door of arrogance it will slip in the side door of shyness. Both are about caring for self.

Humility is a parade of our weakness (not our strength), our vulnerability (not our stability), and our foolishness (not our brilliance). Humility lets God work with no explanation as to how. Humility rejoices that things are so good, but can’t attribute the cause in any direction except one; the Spirit of Christ.

Have a good day. Avoid being proud you are humble. Be humble. God will exalt you…..He promises.


Anonymous said...

Spiritual Leader--"One who leads us to the Spirit."

Anonymous said...

Humility is not thinking less of ourselves. It is thinking of ourselves less. Is this aligned well with Jesus?
Larry Wishard

Matthew said...

Advice, and the difference between great leadership and good leadership is humility.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for mentoring all of us "young-uns" through your blog. It has been a great source of encouragement for me and my attempts to do ministry. More importantly, it has been a great blessing to my soul.
