Tuesday, May 10, 2016


How would you assess a broad improvement for the world order?  Let me take a stab at your guestimation.  No.  Let me tell you mine and see if yours lines up.  I don't intend to go through life being so obnoxious, but I have this corner of my heart that believes that if everyone would/could/should operate as I then everyone would be much better off.

There...I came right out and said it.  I can count your many blessings!  Wouldn't the world be better off if...it could evaluate and execute in step with the way I think?  Or, maybe the way you think?

I don't know if you've noticed.  We aren't alike.  A few similarities prevail.  Vast differences clearly exist.

Here's a problem with this truth about us if we don't guard our operating mindset.  We will desire that all people--admittedly different in vast array--are to do life on our scale of understanding; even interest.  And, dear friend, this...won't...work.  It hasn't.  It doesn't.  It won't.  It.  Isn't.  Supposed.  To.

Just as a hand isn't a foot and an eye isn't a mouth, all of us fit in life when we determine to work as a body.  I am advantaged by those who do not think as I, judge as I, walk as I.  These, too, are equally advantaged by those like me for each of us fits in the body of life.

Struggles are prominent when feet want hands to function as feet; when mouths want eyes to smack rather than blink.  We are not the same...on God's purpose.  We are a body.

When I'm set free to practice my gifts from the Spirit I seem to soar.  But when I'm pressed into being what others not like me want me to be as they think and do, suffocation of my imaginative and exploring heart tends to build.  This doesn't mean that there is to be no cooperation.  But what it does mean is that we each must recall that our strengths are possibly not even of the remotest interest to others.

We are a team; not look-alike, walk-alike, talk-alike robots.  Here's a good idea we might try to remember; concepts which make you perk may make another puke (sorry, but it started with p).  If your trend lights up your heart unto ambition; might I suggest you enjoy it, but try not to impose it.

The world is better off because....not everyone is like me.  And the whole world just now said...Oh thank you, God!


Unknown said...

Now that was good!

Unknown said...

Now that was GOOD!