Sunday, January 24, 2016


I know.  I know that is a rather strange, maybe obscure, title.  It isn't exactly how I think it should be; but the thread is.  I wish to address those of us who go through our days as if we give them little thought as to how they might advance from dull routine to incredible adventure.

This isn't all there is.  Life is popping with unpopped kernels of exploration as well as potential.  Yet, we sub or un consciously settle for less; fewer dreams, smaller hopes. We seem to give up while proceeding onward.

But maybe we could break away from the "going nowhere" indifference that really brings very little satisfaction.  Just maybe we could break into a dream-like world where the fabulous happens and the impossible becomes possible.  After all, that is the walk and the talk of Jesus.

Have you accepted the fact that life to this point is all there is?  Do you believe that it is quite acceptable to love those who love you and hate those who hate you as if nothing can change the latter?  Are you convinced that the "beyond imagination" passage of Ephesians three is broken and, therefore, the way it the way it will always be?

Have you lost hope?  Wonder?  Enthusiasm?

I think many have.  I believe mankind-at-large either never knew or else has forgotten to reach for the stars because the wonder of God is out there.

We see others do it.  Why can't we?  This activity of great hope is as close as flipping the Off switch in our hearts to On.  I witness some stuck in bitterness.  Their days are full of negativity and sarcasm.  Blame is the constant name of their game.  But such is glaring error.

We are within a given heartbeat to rethink.  We can rethink our "doom and gloom" attitude by believing that what isn't yet can become.  This isn't for some.  It is for everyone.

Maybe we could break away from being the way we are?  Well, if the way we are is grumpy, grouchy, and gruntled (as in dis), then a new life awaits.  It doesn't linger when or if others change...ever.

A renovated experience of being blessed presents itself in immediate possibility by you and me simply believing those rough and negative situations will change once we accept responsibility to take a personal step forward by seeing raw hope in every situation.  Our happiness is never dependent upon the behavior of another.  It is clearly dependent upon how we choose to manage our interior thoughts.

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