Sunday, April 19, 2015


Will there really be a next life?  Is heaven for real?  Or, is this a concept developed by churches to keep the doors opened?

This is a fair question.  It would seem rational to accept the answer to be a yes.

Much goes on in front of us to give indicators that a next life exists.

  • Days end in darkness and yet a new day arises faithfully and consistently.
  • One's long days conclude with the need for sleep only to awaken to a new start daily.
  • Trees appear to have lost energy as Fall claims its leaves only to see Spring burst open.
  • Flower bulbs plummet into earths darkness only to resurrect into a great new display of incomparable color.
  • Educational systems succeed in offering information only to find one graduates to the next level.
While these are surely simplistic, I find that there are many who want to believe God; but feel the idea of heaven to be hokey.  I don't think it is.  I believe it to be authentic; exceptionally real.

What ideas would you add to my brief list?

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