Sunday, February 15, 2015


There is a phrase in Romans 4:18 that, at first glance, seems bewildering.  In hope against hope, he believed.  This references the aged Abraham who believed God's promise that he and Sarah could have a child when they were the age of most great-grandparents.

In hope against hope Abraham believed he and his wife could have a child...if God said so.

This is very significant for believers for the idea is that we can have a hope that would surpass normal hope because of the power of God.  Later in that text, the writer points out that the late-date parenthood of Abraham and Sarah is parallel to believing God could raise Jesus from the dead.

The Bible, here, takes two of life's strongest timings; an over-aged couple beyond ability to conceive and a man dead.  And then God states that, due to faith, we have reason to believe there is hope that would surpass normal hope.

We must take care that we do not turn hope beyond hope into, I hope so.  I sorta doubt it; but I'll try to have a glimmer of hope.  Rather, we want to develop a hope that has certainty in God when fleshly calculations would not dare believe such a possibility.

Be encouraged to work on building a faith that hopes beyond where the flesh would hope.  There is much needed in this tired world or ours.  There is much life available through Jesus.  To sigh with a hope so just won't cut it.  We must have a belief in the God of impossibilities.

May we build forces of faith.  May hope be bigger, better, higher, and stronger than ever!

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