Saturday, February 14, 2015


Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "MY INVITATION TO YOU FOR EASTER":

First words out of a man's mouth indicates his heart. Judges 17. Samson saw a woman and that was his downfall. I feel your heart needs to be adjusted. Who cares if you have 1700 friends on FB. Not about you. That could have been differently than starting it out with I statement. Yourself is before the cross. 

I tried to publish this response three times to my post but it would not go through. To be honest, the note doesn't make me look good.  Therefore, I share with you publicly this critique of yesterday's post.  I choose to do so for several reasons; the main one being to encourage those of you in the public eye of church leadership.  

We have this coming.  No one is above criticism.  Whether misunderstood in our statements, or guilty as charged, the toughest thing for any is to be criticized; especially in a public format by one who will not give their name.  

So, young leaders, what shall we do with things like this?  We thank God for it and we thank those who send such notes.  Everything is a yes.  So we calm down, don't breathe threats, and simply take what's due, learn from our mistakes, and don't fear others.  We are learners.

Take a look at the note.  Romans 2:1-5 clearly says that what we are critical of, we are guilty of.  What are the first words out of this person's mouth (of which they find like-minded upset with me)?  The same from them as the charge against me.  Evidently this person's upset is in front of the cross, as well.

I do not point this out in defense.  This is the way it is for all of us.  Therefore, I say to you young leaders, calm down and just weigh incoming attacks.  Think it through.  Don't race to defend and, simultaneously, ponder the message for its accuracy.

I truly wish not to be putting this person on the spot.  Their charge might be right on target.  I am pretty excited about the number of followers because I assume each reader has their own number of many followers.  If we multiply our numbers in invitations....WOW!....look at how fast FB connected invitations to a big Easter Sunday!

However, anonymous doesn't see it that way and I get it.  My apology as well as thankfulness of their remarks.  I know this from biblical perspective.  Whoever anonymous is, they are a better person than me.  That isn't a false humility; rather it is Word fact.

Yes, it bugs me that we in the public eye get told off by such brave brothers and sisters called anonymous.  That one bugs me.  Yet, again I say to the young leaders, we have this coming.  This is an important part of ministry fabric.

We do not shrug.  We do not smirk.  We do not dismiss.  Neither do we worry. We evaluate; take our lumps and dismiss the parts that are inaccurate.  This takes serious discernment; otherwise we will always conclude that we are always in the right.  Often, that is not the case.  We need correction.

Our job is to grow deeper in the Spirit of Jesus from every encounter of harsh wording toward us.  Many times we deserve it.  Sometimes, not so much.  But every bit of it, whether accurate, is a blessing and a must to effective ministry.

Do not be overwhelmed by those who boldly hide behind their letters signed anonymous.  We've all received our fair share.  But rather listen to the charges. Accept correction where appropriate.  And always tell God thank you for getting to live in the Kingdom where this goes on.

We must have criticism.  Otherwise, we are very likely to begin to believe we run the show.  We don't.

To my anonymous friend, I really thank you.  I'm sure you to be a valiant servant of His.  You have blessed my day.  I will work at wording my posts more carefully.  I will not be discouraged by your note, but will use it to hopefully cheer on many readers of this post who will in turn bless others through their efforts.

My name is Terry Rush.  Anonymous, what is yours?  I wish this question not to be tacky.  I wish, however, for the young leaders among us who are going to encounter their due share of criticism to make note that sometimes this will come from bold but cowardly hearts.  

This is a serious matter.  

Our good men and women have left ministry and the church by the droves because of such faint-hearted tactics.  I wish to encourage them to stay.  It is worth the endurance to watch the love of God transform even our enemies into our great friends.

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