Tuesday, September 03, 2013


Tiny Israel is poised once again by extreme threat.  The Middle East in upheaval within country after country continues to surround this small land once inhabited by Jesus.

The news from the East flows as well toward our land.  Trouble.  Confusion.  Tactical approach is up for grabs.  Syria demands this week's headlines.  Distress times mess looms large for both the Mid-East and America.

As little as Israel is, we might do well to speak Syria-ously about another region in this great big world.  I reference the territory known as the individual created and loved by God.

Individuals are under tremendous threat.

There is valiant need for ministry by each of us to both protect and defend others.  People are targeted by more than nerve gas.  We are targeted by discouraging words, disappointing news, and dilapidated circumstances.  We are as Israel surrounded by ego-maniacs and erratic missiles intending to do damage to the person.

Heavy artillery is incoming in places while strongly rumored in others.

As nations bully other nations; individuals oppress individuals.  The threat of war is great.  The approach to handle such danger is a front-burner agenda....everyday.

If we are going to speak Syria-ously about the day's routine, our speech must communicate personal support, leadership, sensitivity, and intense love for these potential victims.  The enemy is poised to strike. We must be alert to defend.

May we be equipped for the daily battle of preserving life in the hearts of men, women, and children.  Some have been hit.  We must Syria-ously help as well as defend.

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