Tuesday, June 04, 2013


The question, whether bracelet or bumper sticker, asking WWJD is always valuable.  Granted, the methods may seem rather novel of a sort; but still, the question raised would seem to always be significant.

We need to know what Jesus would do.  Would he rebel?  Get heated?  Be quiet?  Debate?  Make a joke?  Or would he create an entirely new miracle that would shut us all up?

My problem is that I don't think about the question enough.  I tread around town and criss-cross states during travels very often making my own calls.  My opinions, my axes to grind, my small section of earth needs my estimation of life. 


Jesus puts the accuracy in us.  He eliminates the silly from the necessary.  He is the one that is always on mission; not me.

Really....what would Jesus do?  He would always think of people.  He would stand up to the Pharisees, not because he needed to be right but, because these kill the spirits of the little people. 

Jesus' actions were always based on God and others; never himself.

Hmmmm....there would be two hefty commands, huh?

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