Friday, May 10, 2013


As I ponder what to post this morning, I sit in awe of God; how good He is, how amazing He is, etc.  My mind slipped off to a number of friends I have throughout Tulsa and the world whose hearts are not filled with gratitudinal joy.  Their walk is more one of rote reluctance.

What has caused the latter?

A doctrine has slipped into the church system which was never intended.  It has fermented into its own sub-glory.  The doctrine of we are the only ones right continues to play havoc with a treasured people.  When we begin to walk to such a tune, several things (several mistaken things) must immediately and continually accompany.
  1. Pride is immediate; although unfounded and therefore gravest of errors.  To believe we are the only ones that know right things or that we are the only ones who have grasp the entirety of God's Truth is most foolish if not senselessly egotistical.
  2. Such a bent freezes the heart and the mind.  The potential student within us shifts dramatically to the court lawyer who lives in perpetual defense.  Unopen to learn, grow, and mature, church doctrine cannot do anything but go stale.  It is the vibrant Word of God that is living, active, and sharp so that the learner might always develop into the framework of Jesus.
  3. Because we have grown cold to learning, a character of sitting on our hands in pews has left a broad spectrum of potential believers living as fraidy-cat unbelievers.  Their new role seems to try to prove through doubt.  Guarding the Truth (translated means to protect the twelve or fifteen things we believe and don't intend to budge) has left a high percentage of church members living in unadmitted fear.  There is tremendous reluctance to study and pray, should one do that, for God might actually require one learn something additional. 
  4. The Holy Spirit is blocked because he isn't needed.  Why would we need his participation when we have been groomed to be in control of our five-step theology that needs know research or discussion.  We believe such a blind system has merit for if God had wanted it differently He would have said so.  The problem is God has wanted many things differently and is still saying so.  One of the things He warned against was ears that would not/could not/will not hear.
The Church of Christ is in danger of telling itself it is the true church because of its lawn sign and letterhead.  The doctrinal error that will kill off the Church of Christ is the error at present; we believe we are the only ones right.  With such in place, even as we are dying we will go down with the mistaken pointing to Matthew 7 of at least we remained faithful to being narrow....of which is another abuse of scripture to keep pumping some sort of pseudo-life into a group not blessed by God.

How to make adjustment would be simple in nature.  Realizing the Word of God is always His Truth, we must forever be student learners who are hungry to discover the wild life God would wish for His beloved. If your walk should be one of rote reluctance, I am sympathetic.  I lived there beside you. 

Maybe together we can spur one another on to love and good deeds embedded in the Dreamer.

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