Sunday, May 12, 2013


Self-conscience is usually a game-stopper.  Being aware of self can sometimes serve as a bandit holding up a stagecoach.  It is most sensitive to the loud perspective of others.

I would know.

I'm a champion of worry and an expert at being intimidated.  Just this week a friend back home said, I remember the days you were so timid.  I lived a self-imposed inner prison sentence due to fear of what others thought. 

Of course, a major problem linked with this dis-ease is that once stricken, hesitancy becomes the norm.  Restriction is practiced.  And then criticism of others becomes prominent because we are limited in our space with little to do but bark at others.

Is there any chance of breakthrough?  Absolutely.

Jesus sets us free.  He really does.  Life isn't about our perspective of another's perspective.  Such is not our boss.  It seems at every turn Jesus was accepting the put-down and the insecure ones.  He associated with....those exactly like us!

How, then, do we enter the workings of the Kingdom?  We relax.  We lean into him.  He makes us good enough.  We are hidden in him, remember?  We can actually enjoy.

Whether in leadership meetings, or church gatherings, or at baseball camp, or in the local cafe, one thing consistently lets me engage with confidence.  I am ever-aware of my complete nothingness coupled with the same alertness to the fact Jesus uses me from that very same setting.  I live coming through the back door.  Whether through inquiry of needing information or making fun of myself, I enter through the back because that's the most I have to offer...and most of the time it works.

Jesus never called an expert on board for anything.  He consistently employed the weak, the goofy, and the clumsy.  That would include me. 

We are free to imagine and to roar because God is the one doing the work; not me...not any of us.  The person who has made it big is the same person who has no audience for he is the only one convinced of his greatness. 

We are to make it little! 

We are to marvel at our failure.  We are not to die because we discover our lack.  We are to arise with him in resurrection power because we have successfully attached ourselves to the mighty arm of God.


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