Tuesday, January 29, 2013


He said he didn't do anything unless he saw Father do it.

For the longest time as a minister, I didn't think to note Jesus' movement for I was busy proving things and generating church action.  I was quite enamored with ministry; but not with the Son.

As I have learned to observe his walk, two things consistently stand out; Jesus gave attentive eye to the underdog and he had zero tolerance for the legalist's need to debate.  He often pitted one against the other in the same story in order to show us the difference between right and wrong. 

Jesus believed Father.  He centered his moves based upon those he read as coming from above.  God delights in His needy creatures while rejecting any who believe they have risen to a personal stature of god.

Watching Jesus believe is a natural train wreck to preacher, elder, and teacher for he never follows the rules.  Just one example would be the bad guy in the Prodigal story turns out to be accepted while the good guy, it turns out, is delinquent of godly behavior. 

All leaders will be challenged to walk such a tedious trek.  It isn't that such is a difficult path for really it is quite simple.  The flesh, however, can't tolerate it....and won't.

Watching Jesus believe will draw us to the side of faith or push us to the side of irritated religion.  He will not leave us on the fence.  May we spend increased time in watching just how it is the Master walked upon the same earth we do.

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