Saturday, November 10, 2012


Elders can make or break a church. 

They can set a place free or put the clamps of slow death on it.

What causes this chasm?

One thing.

There is an ingredient understood in shepherd qualities spelled out in Timothy and Titus.  The assumption that such a man is to be led by the Holy Spirit is a given.  The Holy Spirit is assumed to be active within any elder because he has been baptized.

However, much of the church refrains from such a faith.  Thus, the qualifications without the presence of the Spirit leave the church with merely the business oriented leaders reaching for the best minds of human reason. 

And this simply will not do.

Why won't it do?

All Christians, and especially elders, are to bear the fruit of the Holy Spirit.  This fruit always shows up only when one is under stress and strain.  Anyone can fake the various elements of the fruit when matters are going to his liking.  But, only under the burden of stressful negativity can the fruit of the Spirit show up in a leader.

Those without the Holy Spirit cannot help but live agitated, domineering, and controlling.  Their smiles may be broad until...until they don't like a proposal or a move or a concept of another.  When found opposed, such a one will not be able to bear good fruit unless the Holy Spirit resides within.

Therefore, any time a congregation is in search of new elders, this one trait must be prominent for this reason; one led by the Spirit will offer life.  One who will not yield to the Spirit will lead all into death; either immediate or eventual. 

Jesus came that we might have life abundant.

From experience I can testify that when the shepherds are led by the Spirit of God incredible harmony and fruit follows.  Joy abounds.  Faith grows.  Second chances rule.

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