Thursday, October 11, 2012


The Story.

Memorial Drive has entered The Story zone.

I am very excited by this experience.

We begin the introduction of each week's chapter by a most creative Wednesday night plot.  Jason Thornton has formed a Creative Team to plan a unique experience.  Two weeks ago we toured the local Aquarium to note the parting of the Red Sea as we passed through a huge water cave filled with sharks. 

Last night we were in the wilderness. Divided into twelve tribes (according to month of birthday) we first entered as tribal units into the desert auditorium where tents were assembled.  We then wandered over to our Memorial Room where Jason had the heat turned high enough to cook us in the desert march.

From there we wandered to another room where we ate quail and "What is it?".  Our final trek culminated in the entrance to another venue where Moses addressed us.

At each post one of ours talked to us about the meaning of the wandering about aimlessly.

Sunday morning's classes will focus upon the same theme; as will the worship assembly via song and sermon.  Then our small groups that evening will ponder what this has been like for we adults to go through our own VBS-like experience. 

It is different.  It is meaningful.  It is unique. 

The result is that it is building an deeper awareness of the power and call of God.

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