Wednesday, June 20, 2012


We are enjoying a season of community connection at Memorial Drive.  There are those manufactured ways the church can share; and yet, stay at arms' length from actually touching the people.  From operating behind this invisible barrier the conscience can pacify itself as having done church work.  Jesus led the way in changing servants, though, to engage one-on-one with individuals.

See the people.

I enjoy the fact that we have two teams of workers soon to be returning from Honduras.  What glory they give to God in their sacrificial efforts.  Many of these will hit the ground running; once back home, in our own neighborhoods because they simply and honestly care about people who hurt.

See the people.

One grandma who comes by our food pantry told one of our workers--as she shed tears--My child is in prison so I am raising my grand kids.  This is the only place in my life I can come to cry.  Holding up in front of her family, she has encountered a church in her neighborhood that serves her by letting her have a place to cry.  Food?  Important.  Friendship?  Matters.  A place to cry?  Priceless.

See the people.

Something happens to the Church of Christ when we see the people.  We suddenly feel the inner joy of His workings for when we see the people we often find ourselves in over our heads.  The need coupled with His power is overwhelming.  It takes our breath away.  Good for us!

I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened (Eph. 1:18)....see the people.  When you do, you will see your place in the kingdom process.

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