Tuesday, May 29, 2012


Jeanne Guyon wrote Experiencing the Depths of Jesus Christ (Originally A Method of Prayer) that first appeared in France around 1685.  It is guestimated that this book is one of the most influential ever written. 

It is one of my favorites.

I am rereading it and it remains a meaningful volume as it calls us to deeper union with Him.

This book eventually made its way to Louis XIV for the purpose of tattling on her.  Guyon was immediately arrested and imprisoned.  Many of her books were gathered and burned.  Not surprisingly, her influence grew even more.

Guyon's writing heavily influenced the Quakers and then a young man named John Wesley.  Any familiar with the deep writings of Jesse Penn-Lewis would find it no surprise that Guyon's concepts are buried within. 

During the 1920s this book made its way to China.  It had a profound impact on the shaping of the heart of one we would know as Watchman Nee. 

Fenelon?  Count Zinzendorf?  And, Hudson Taylor?  All influenced by Guyon.

While these writings and this story carry fascination to me, the greater encouragement comes for all to realize we have the ability in Christ to shine over great distances and even centuries.  Know Him and give Him room to extend through you into unimaginable regions of time and pockets of influence!

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