Monday, October 10, 2011


I have some good news for you; and some bad.

The bad news is you are probably not as all-knowing, all-capable as you would like to think. The good news is everyone else understands you are not as all-knowing all-capable as you would like to think.

This dilemma has been a major hurdle for me. The good news is it has launched me into a profoundly marvelous lifestyle; content....content with myself and content with others. That's good news!

I worked too long as a grown man believing that if I wanted the work done right I needed to have my hand in it. This developed arthritis of the mind. If it was to be done right, I would need to oversee it.

Very wrong.

I have learned that by His grace I surely do fit into the kingdom nature. But I am not near the main cog I once believed. No. Many don't do the work like I would do it. Yes. They often actually do it better.

I now understand I am completely incomplete and that incompleteness is major; not minor. I am highly lacking. If I will be the first to know it....this is awesomely good news for those around me.

Would you possibly be as me? Completely incomplete?

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