Monday, August 29, 2011


Working in the Spirit of Unity with the bond of peace should be a lot easier than it is. Unity has a reputation of being negatively suspect as in flu shots or dentist's visits. It is subject to unfair (if not unholy) targeting as if something ails the one who accepts this as a call from the Lord.

What's with it among us that the alignment of unity is such a mean and fierce battle?

I can only answer for myself.

I was converted at age twenty, entered preaching school at age 22 and graduated at age 24. I possessed an eagerness to reach the world; which has not faded over the decades. However, as peeling away the shucks from an ear of corn, I continually find the need to shed the concepts and stances added to me which came from ego; not from Bible.

What changed? Hasn't the Truth always been the Truth? Oh, yes. But I haven't been of it. What changed was my focus on Jesus and not what impresses the brotherhood. There is a stark difference; one is of light and the other is of dark agony.

I'm still a work-in-progress regarding this unity thing. But I can tell from adjustments I have made that our staff is much more cohesive, our staff-elder relationship is tight, and the congregation is at a strong position of effectiveness.

I didn't create any of it; but merely learned a little here and there to get out of the way. My hatred for other brands and insistence that all around march to my drum was never in the mind or will of God.

When the Unity of the Spirit is sought, something holy and graceful begins to develop that wasn't present before.

That something would be called God. He lives among the harmonious...He seems to be clear about it.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brother Rush, you have spoken of unity that comes from living out the prayer of Jesus in John 17, that we'd all be one. Paul also said, "Be in harmony and unity of thought and purpose." The Memorial Church is a beautiful example of people led by and indwelled by the Holy Spirit, who are trying every day to see what God sees and follow where He leads. You are a wonderful brother and example, Terry, and I'm happy to be a fellow disciple and church servant with you in Tulsa.