Friday, July 01, 2011


Did I do that?  Did I cause a sudden scrambling of the curbed recess in D.C.?  It really wasn't my intention.

It all started a few months back when a representative of Oklahoma U.S. Senator Tom Coburn came by our office.  Dan seemed nice enough; almost a professional friend.  Senator Coburn was sending him around the state gathering a list of our concerns.  My rarely skeptical mind sensed it might also be combined with a vote-getting ploy.

You know my heart for those in public life; I think they are every bit as lonely at the top and those forgotten at the bottom.  I was, indeed, intrigued by Dan's visit and my comment to him was, What can I do to encourage Senator Coburn when he is so famous, in such demand, and surely so lonely at times? 

Last week I received a notice from Dan that Sen. Coburn would be conducting a town hall meeting the evening of July week.  I was invited (along with all other breathing Oklahomans).  I responded with a request to meet with the Senator beforehand to pray.  It was a sincere move by simply knocking on a door.  I try to walk only through the ones that open.

Dan responded that he was not sure if such would work; but would bring it up to the Senator.  It now seems obvious Senator Coburn rejected my offer in a big way.

Yesterday Dan emailed me that congress' recess has been shortened due to the debt ceiling debate and the town hall meeting was cancelled.  I fired back a note, Dan, I have had a most interesting career of various people going to great extents to avoid meeting me. I have to say this is the first time it took an “act of Congress” to pull it off.  If Senator Coburn didn’t want to meet me all he had to do was say so!

Wait 'til I tell mom what I caused!  Too, I apologize to congress for being called back because of me.  It is all my fault.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Next time don't offer. The less congress is in session, the less damage they can do. But please, continue to pray FOR them AND us.