Saturday, July 02, 2011


We are forever growing in understanding the trinity both as a cluster and each as individuals.  God is the Father, He is the Son, and He is in Spirit form.  Why the church has fought accepting the third wing to the Trinity is surely an ignorant bias developed from parroting strong voices of our past. 

Scriptures will not support an insistence the Holy Spirit is inactive in a modern believer's life.  If we are to grow in the Lord our grasp of Spirit understanding must have devout attention.

Leonard Allen and Danny Swick wrote, The Trinity is an attempt to affirm that God is a thoroughly relational being.  The doctrine of the Trinity accents this truth by claiming that God not only forms relationships but that He is a relationship.

God is relationship.  The doctrine of God is relational.  The church has devastatingly slipped when proudly assuming it stands for Truth and Right without a deep perspective on connection to others.  Mistakenly, we have assumed it is all right to enter an assembly with the goal to make certain instruments of music aren't used while caring less for the broken brother two pews to the left.

The Trinity pulls at our hearts to enter the utmost doctrinal stance of the New Testament church by engaging and expanding relationships; one with another and all of us interfacing with the Trinity.

1 comment:

Sherry Holmes said...

Thanks, again, Terry for hitting the nail right smack on the head! Malcolm Smith at has done several wonderful series of teaching on the Holy Spirit--a recent one titled "The Indwelling Spirit", which are wonderful in helping understand the ways that the Spirit guides us and is alive in our lives.

Knowing the Holy Spirit is yet another way to be in relationship with our Father. It's hard to imagine (and accept) that Jesus said (Jn 16:7) "It is for your good that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you..." Jesus said it, that settles it!

Keep teaching the truth!