Sunday, April 03, 2011


The Holy Spirit of God is ultra-key in our personal walk.  We must avail ourselves to His Spirit.  John 3:8 declares one led by the Spirit is as the wind blowing; constant adjustment to new direction.

The church doesn't like new when the church is anchored in the flesh rather than the Spirit.  New direction makes it afraid.  However, life in the Spirit allows the church to be anticipatory in daily nature.

When the Israelites were freed from bondage the God-leading wilderness uproar pursued.  The people were mad about this unknown path God Himself placed them on.  Rather than being wowed they were mighty outspoken as to their insistent displeasure.

Thus, they worried and fussed their way to absolutely nowhere but wilderness living.  They had no hope and they gave no hope.  They were gigantic (and miserable) duds for God.

The flesh must be checked.  It will impound entire congregations if elders or preachers or any leaders listen to the fear of the flesh---theirs or other members.  The flesh wants to know orderly and explainable details.  The Spirit won't say.  The flesh wants to settle.  The Spirit wants to explore.  Mystery is the wonder of the Spirit led.

Life is to be found in the one Jesus.  He will take us places we never dreamed....but only if we are bold enough to tell our own flesh to "get behind us Satan" for there is great hope for the dreamer.

1 comment:

Clay Knight said...

Awesome post
I needed this encouragement.

Thank you,