Saturday, March 05, 2011


Do you fellowship the Spirit? 

Would you be surprised or even ashamed of me if I told you that I spent years in ministry with zero thought to the possibility?

Why would I seek connection with the Spirit when I stood with those who believed He was shelved?  Oh, I retorted that indeed He indwelt us.  He just didn't do anything while present.  That was the teaching I received and believed.  He sorta sealed us--put His stamp of approval on us--but was not engaged in anything I was engaged in.

We are to fellowship the Spirit...Phil. 2:1.  How?  What does it look like?

First, the Spirit is God.  God is only in spirit form.  God is Holy and His Spirit is Holy.  You and I are to carry on a relationship with the Holy Spirit God.  What I didn't know for many years, after realizing the Spirit does operate directly in our lives, that such action is a two-way street.  We are to talk with God and He talks with us.

Our songs have testified of this all along.  And He walked with me and talked with me and He told me.....  Or what about the song, We walk the fields together.  We walk and talk as good friends should and do?  Many sang this truth before they/we ever believed it.

I always heard about listening for God; but didn't know what it meant.  But He wishes to walk with us and talk with us as good friends should and do.  He gives us ideas.  We can create our own ideas, of course.  

This does not discriminate against the truth that God loves to fellowship His people and His people Him.

Talk with Him.  Pray.  Applaud.  Praise.  And be still to listen for His voice; those things which occur to you which did not come from flesh and blood.

Eerie?  Spooky?  Pentecostal?  Nope.  Just a common people communicating with the Holy Lord as if an authentic relationship was being experienced.  Father and child...on speaking terms.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. Jesus said the Spirit is truth (John 14:17). He also said the "world" can't accept Him because it doesn't see him and doesn't know Him (John 14:17). Well, that was me in the past! I didn't truly accept Him, or certainly not know Him. But, He is God. If I don't know the Spirit....I shudder at the thought.


PS - Mr. Rush, you should read the compilation of some of A.W. Tozer's thoughts on the Spirit.