Sunday, March 06, 2011


Here's the church.  Here's the steeple.  Open the doors and see all the people.  This is from my Presbyterian days in VBS when using interlocking hands to form the three.  The idea I want to convey is that whatever our role in God's expansive mystery, be sure to see the people. 

Especially when we are meeting for class or assembly....see the people.  How wrong to see the lesson outline, but not the people.  How mistaken to see the task or service before us...and not see the people.

You know...the people?  They are the visitors standing with a bit of an uncertain gawk as to what or where they should make their next move.  They are the new members unclear about congregational protocol and just hoping someone rescues without great attention to their befuzzlement.

One of the things I like about the church is that it really is about people.  Yes, it is about praising God.  Yes, it is about serving community.  But one of the things that makes every congregation rich is to be very social in connecting to as many faces as one can.  This causes people to feel they are important and useful.

Good for you young woman and old man for leaving your comfort zone to notice a stranger in our midst.  Good for you young man and old woman for extending words of satisfaction and joy over meeting a newbie.   People are what God created for fellowship to Himself.  We are to recharge those people's batteries in order that they might have both the energy and interest to pursue our Living Lord.

Good for you....for being so good.  Everything we do counts.  Everybody counts.  May we never let one person leave our midst wondering if their existence matters.


Anonymous said...

Thanks for your thoughts. I remember visiting, before becoming a member, when my hands were shaking and I was scared to death, even though I was with someone. It was so different than what I grew up in. This is a great reminder that even though you are afraid of meeting a newbie, they are probably more afraid than you.j

Vasca said...

Everyone...even the most self assured...needs to be noticed. Dr. Seuss said, "A person's a person, no matter how small." I like that and oh my, how many times in our many re-locations I felt more than time, I wished I could disappear.

Now that I am much older, much wiser (hmm, have to think on that) I make it a practice to 'make the rounds' before and after worship...if we can get to class early enough that allows time to get better acquainted w/new class members and pay attention to the 'regulars'. Visitors faces light up as well as 'the regulars'...that's reaching out and touching; beneficial to all rays of sunshine in lives. All of us need it...big and small.