Tuesday, December 28, 2010


And we know God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. 

God causes is a mighty statement.  The only reason all things (distress, failure, disappointment, etc.) work for us is because of God's innate capacity to turn lemons into lemonade.  We got it from Him!

So where you live, try not to waste God's shipment of power through the cargo system of ruggedness or strain.  Neither are something one rids; but rather precisely designed power to be used.

All things.  Arguments.  Disagreements.  Varying opinions.  Hurt feelings.  Relationship violations.  These are not to be ignored.  They carry as much kingdom value as harmony and justice and honor.

Life is being wasted when such cargo is assumed discardable.  None of it is.  Everything works together for the good of all who see and serve God.

We are not just mighty in successful deeds; but also in horrendous malfunction.  Leaders, I think, are different from followers in this vital area.  Leaders are not manipulated by circumstances; but rather are fueled by them.

Life is right under our noses.  Do what you can not to miss it.

1 comment:

Brian's Bibilcial Minute said...

WOW! GREAT one, Terry!