Thursday, September 23, 2010


You won't believe what God helped me think about this morning....or will you?

On October 3rd Memorial will have its annual budget Sunday sort of day.  The ritual is rather simple really.  We have me get up and preach on giving and the people give and we have a most privileged year of God's labor and harvest.

A combination of feelings rushes over me.  On one hand I delight in speaking of the greatest "best kept secret" on earth--that of giving-- and yet I carry a personal burden for so much of Memorial's work is dependent upon my ability to persuade of God's process.  I am not unduly important; the message is.

So I was having coffee this morning at one of my four shops and God gave me an instant great idea!  That Sunday I plan to speak on The Parting of the Red Sea.  What a great story because it involves the fantastic move of God for a people who didn't know how to handle such a gigantic dilemma. 

Today so many are cornered by a sea of red ink....highly indebted....and don't know how to escape.  God has a way to Part this Red Sea

Good, you think?  I can't wait to get there to see what He puts together!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It's easy to lose sight of the reason that God provided a way out of Egypt for the Jews. "Let my people go, so that they may worship me." Again, "so that they may worship me."

A person becomes a true enemy of God when they wedge themselves between God and someone trying to come to God. If the Church interferes with someone coming to God, regardless of their reason for doing so, then they set themselves up as an enemy of God.

When the Church puts a yoke of slavery on people by demanding adherence to their standards before gaining acceptance, then the Church sets itself up as an enemy of God.

Jesus was consistently infuriated by people who stood in the way of others coming to God. Anyone who judged others to be unacceptable to God, and who tried to prevent "bad types" from coming into God's presence became His enemies. Moses incurred God's wrath when he struck the rock twice, because he interfered with God's message that the perfect sacrifice was sufficient. That was not a minor error.

It's not about financial slavery. It's not about any kind of slavery, except the yoke of slavery that one puts upon another as they stand as self-proclaimed mediators between man and God. Such people become true enemies of the cross, and God will destroy them if they don't get out of His Way and His Truth.

There is a modern-day Moses defiantly declaring to many of the Church, "Let my people go, so that they may worship me." Financial ruin will be the least of the worries of those who enslave others in their quest as self-proclaimed mediators and assassins of the Spirit.