Thursday, February 25, 2010


Well....I'm guessing I have the attention of all elders just about now! Yet, elders are not my target; young leaders are. Whether a young minister or a young member in the church, you will want to give heed to what I'm about to say.

Over half of my life ago I was frustrated, perpetually so, with my elders. Why oh why were they so slow? Were they shooting up on molasses? Sometimes I've made proposals where Halley's Comet passed....twice....before I got a response.

It occurred to me at about my umpteenth irritation with them that there was a defect in my approach. I would conclude an idea that "would work" having pondered it for maybe three years or three months. I would get my recommendation together and shoot my idea....expecting them to make a decision in twenty minutes (mixed in without about eight other external ideas others were floating).

How unfair. Moreover, how unwise.

So I learned to sow seed. This is the kingdom way. I now make seed introductions and watch (fairly contently) to see which ones sprout. It took me over 25 years to finally get a lawn sign communicating we are a place to start life over...and immediately a couple saw that logo, were baptized, and now are a part of our family.

However, I think my 25 year proposal of renaming us the Airport Church of Christ since we are at "747" S. Memorial is dead seed. That idea has been rejected so many times....I don't even care for it anymore.

So what's going on young preacher? Rejection of our ideas is a secret yes of God. He is training us to yield to the Holy Spirit as we must have His fruit of love, joy, patience, etc. When our urgent ideas are neglected good is going on. We are learning to depend on Him....not our ingenuity.

Oh, but how do the elders ever learn love, joy, patience, etc?

Ah, God gives them us!

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