Thursday, December 03, 2009


Would any of you know Wendy Rush Chapel? She's my Wendy-the-Pooh. Oh, how I like her!

Over the weekend a single mom found her fourteen year old daughter hanged. The momma discovered her. Trauma set in to say the least. My daughter went out and bought the woman a dress to wear for her daughter's funeral. That's the way she is; that's how she thinks.

But would you guess how Wendy-the-Pooh got such wings? She received them in her own pain. You see the 7th of December will mark 18 years since the murder of her fiance and his brother. Again to say the least, the situation was traumatic as well as devastating. None of us had been so shattered.

The world seemed to bow to the Phillips and Rush families with both generosities and kindnesses. They could not have been of greater help. A few of the young women went shopping and brought by several dresses for Wendy to choose from for the funeral for she couldn't do such for herself. What a remarkable gesture on the part of her friends.

So now 18 years later, when another happens upon ghastly horror, Wendy-the-Pooh knew immediately one thing that could be done. After all, she had received her wings 18 years earlier and remembered God's grace.

Good for you Wendy! You remembered how to do it! I love you today!


Terry Laudett said...

Did Wendy happen to attend school in Catoosa during the mid-1980s? I seem to remember someone with her name introducing herself to me at that time, but I could be thinking of someone else.

Either way, I appreciate her compassion for people who have lost a loved one. She is showing the heart of God to those around her.

Stoogelover said...

You brought tears to my eyes. What a special gift and what a way to allow God's Spirit to work through tragedy to ministry!!

Unknown said...

An angel, indeed. This shattered momma may be an angel for another troubled soul someday. She has seen a great example in Wendy.

Anonymous said...

I attend Wendy's church. I was at the visitation for the young girl last night. This has been a devastating event for us (and the second time in five months that a teenager from our youth has died--the other one died in a car wreck).

While there is nothing anyone can say or do to make it better, it seems that Wendy is following the example of the man who came to polish people's shoes before the funeral because he knew the family would probably not think of doing so.

God bless her.