Thursday, September 17, 2009


Intricacy is fascinating. God blows our minds because He surely is one of detail; number of sparrows, number of hairs on our head. Two areas of brilliance could be pointed out today; (1) stars, and (2) shoe noises.

First the shoes. This week I developed a most annoying squeak in my left shoe. Steps were accompanied by err-eee, err-eee, err-eee. If I could have walked only right-footed, I would have gladly done so. It occurred to me in my frustration to google "squeaky shoes". Ta da!

Google knows how to try to deal with such a matter. What? How can this gadget be this smart? It blows my feeble mind as to how brilliant this creation can be. It knows about squeaky shoes, too?

Next is the starry night. God took Abram outside to view the stars. He told Abram he would have more children than stars. Now, you've got to be kidding. How could one wife--and past child-bearing years at that--give birth to that many children? Ah, but God was speaking both literally and exponentially. Abram would literally have that many children.....but not in the immediate procedure Abram would have small-mindedly assumed.

How much of life's awe and blessings do we miss because we believe God to operate at only our best ability? He consistently says He chooses the weak-minded to confound the strong. He ratchets up His case by throwing down the gauntlet that whatever we can come up with in our imaginations, He will trump.

If you think Google is impressive, as well as stars in Abram's night, God says we haven't seen anything, yet! Things which eye has not seen and ear has not heard, and which have not entered the heart of man, all that God has prepared for those who love Him.....I Cor. 2:9

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