Friday, August 14, 2009


Our thinking tends to be one of exemption. From little to large, we live as if the awful won't hit us. Katrina was for others....that's what the victims also thought. The "C" word belongs to others. The war zones are for other countries. The Holocaust was for others. One of the reasons we operate under such assumption is we are guilty---in a good way---of approaching life positively. Good for us.

Yet, there is very strong need for us to be prepared for highly difficult situations. We are not exempt from train wrecks. Muslim terrorism is coming over the horizon at an alarming rate. Little is being done about it. The 90% good Muslim factor can't/don't seem to have ability to reverse this aggression from within their own.

Add to this the deadening things we do in the church; those things which quench the Holy Spirit among us leaving us with only our own fleshly expertise. This church style does not display the abundant life Jesus expressed; but rather a drudgery reflective of increasing weights at a tractor pull. Eventually, too many give out and give up for they become weary of carrying a load intended for the Spirit to shoulder.

What are we to do in facing a future which appears to have both religious virus and spiritual contamination? One of the things we must provide is training to always testify that Jesus is our Lord. We must not bow to false gods or intimidating religions. Jesus must reign supreme in our hearts.

Yes, there is a great chance those of my generation will not encounter such extreme measures as I imply. However, it is my conviction (and that's all it is) that the future we face is going to carry the blessing of calling Christians to really stand strong for the name....the Name above all names.

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