Thursday, May 07, 2009


Four years ago today Ana Rush Chapel slipped away. I never got to meet her. Oh how she battled to hang on. She was doing her best to breathe big so I could show her funny tricks like making my arm lengthen four inches due to elastic surgery. Her twin, Campbell, is a beautiful reflection of Ana we feel certain.

Chris and Wendy traditionally take Hayden (5) and Campbell (4) to visit their sister's grave at anniversary time. As they parked the car in order to walk over beneath the shade tree Hayden announced he should probably lead all of them in prayer. So the family sat in the car while Hayden talked to God about his sister.

To lose a little one in the manner we did (after pulling for her for several weeks) was a pretty big hit. It was bigger being the grandpa and watching my daughter/son-in-law do their best to handle the matter faithfully. Tears of agony struck often during some of those days.

But I must say that God knows exactly what He is doing. We never have to wonder....nor doubt. God blesses everyone at every turn. I believe he spared Ana of deep frustration over something He could see would not develop properly. I think He was every bit as concerned over Ana as He was over Campbell and saw to it that both were tremendously blessed.

For today.....I simply say I have my imagination running freely to ponder the "Ana possibilities". I feel sure she would think me to be a really fun Crappaw! I'm fairly sure I could have made her giggle.


Stoogelover said...

We have three grandchildren, all under two years, including a set of twins. I can't imagine what it was like to lose one of your grandchildren but you have encouraged me (again) by your faith and by sharing a pain-filled memory of joy.

Christi Bloomer said...

We lost my brother 10 years ago this week and his birthday was on the 7th. We've often thought the same thing - he was taken early to save him from something that would be too difficult for him. Thanks for the beautiful post! Your words are always a comfort and I look forward to reading them daily!!

Liz Moore said...

Praise God for the promise of heaven! And giggles to come! Blessings to you my friend!

Tammy said...

Yes, God knows exactly what He is doing. I am learning to live with His mystery in life and being at peace in the not knowing why. The painful joy is worth the relationship it builds with our Creator, definately.

Linda L said...

Thinking of you today, Terry. And pondering how much giggling will be going on in Heaven when you meet Ana.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for sharing, Dr. Rush!


Kathy Hyde said...

Your words for today were so touching. As my daughter Christi, who attends your wonderful church wrote, we lost my son about 10 years ago and he would have been 36the day your granddaughter passed away. We will never know why some must leave this earth sooner than others. But if you could have know my son, you would be assured that he is up there meeting your little one and telling her he knows someone who knows her Grandpa. God bless you and your wonderful work.

Kathy H.

John Dobbs said...

God bless you and your family Terry. I know.