Sunday, April 12, 2009


Ah, how the day and week clamors with pushing and pulling venues. We live pressed and stretched every which-way hoping by the end of the day we finish in a tie with the clock and the bank.

Things matter to us. We consider important how our team does, how new the couch is, how friendly the clerk is, and how the Dow does. Our lives are full of masters shouting bizarre threats if we don't hop their imposing hoops.

Although we live this pressed-paced style it isn't the real us. The real us is that wake-up call we get when we find the cancer is stage four or the knock at the door is a somber patrolman with the worst news. The real us is receiving staggering news which stops us in our tracks. Suddenly all of those appointments and demands are put on hold without another thought of their organizational expectation nor of their survival. Each will (must) have to go on without us for our day has been rocked by devastating news.

So our real life isn't what we have been led to believe. Major events in our lives can wait. They can take a back seat to our simple need to rest. They can back off, can't they, without the notice of a heart attack or a funeral? Yes, bossy people and demanding situations appear to wilt when it comes to the real majors in our walk.

So how about you reviewing everything as well as everyone pressing you and then making a decision to tell quite a bit of it to back off. If it will at your funeral, then maybe it could give you a break while you live.

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