Monday, March 09, 2009


I try to imagine what God has going on with us and among us. Each time I do I run out of dream rope. I can't keep up with Him and Paul as much as prophesied such in Ephesians 3:20...and He is able to do more than we can imagine.

Did you read the Chronicle about Scott the Skater? Did you know that was going on? What about the work Shawn Gary did for the kingdom over the weekend in Mexico? Any idea how to measure the good he did? How about Eric Magnusson in Detroit? Who did he greet? Who did he encounter? Who was built up by his labor quite tremendously last Thursday...or Friday?

What about Mr. Dabbs? Did anyone get a read on his productivity in February? No? You were busy with your own kingdom assignment? As for Jeannine Reese or Marca Young or Emily Lemley? No? Not aware of the progress they made in the kingdom? And Dr. Jeff? Arlene Mayes? John Taylor? Michael Taylor? Betty Smith? Kevin Skidmore? Ronda Davis? No? You aren't really aware of what God did through them?

Friend, they aren't either. The work God does in His people is so fascinatingly lit with possibility we can't even keep track of the sparks! The kingdom isn't in neutral or decline.....should you have feared it was. Millions of cells known by personal names we regard as just normal acquaintances are formed into His one body, the church. The stretch and the capacity and the blanketing progress being made is not small.

He is in China and Rhode Island and Ft. Wayne and emergency rooms touching other hearts with words of encouragement....striking and profound encouragement. The life of Jesus is. He is the I Am not the I Was. Therefore we are known as the We Are not the We Wish.

CNN and FOX combine a group of very nice professionals. But God's people are the ones who have the clues. Live like it!


Kyler Erwin said...
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Kyler Erwin said...

He is the I Am not the I Was. Therefore we are known as the We Are not the We Wish. That's very encouraging. I love that. Thanks Terry!