Monday, September 08, 2008


Contradictory to slogan, talk is not cheap. Talk is the power of God; He spoke the world into existence. We have inherited His image and will not escape the trait of His power in our personal demeanor. What we form in words becomes. Do you wish to build up or tear down? Either will be accomplished by what? Words. Either route is developed by one steadfast and common denominator; verbal expression. Ours is the privilege to choose.

This is why it is so important we guard our tongues. The Bible says forests are set on fire by those who just cannot control what they say. Hope is developed by what? Words. Hope is lost by what? Words. The choice is ours. Once we punch the button as to our selection the results are sure; they are neither vague nor neutral. We will deliver construction or destruction; but we will not speak without consequence of good or of evil.

The human landscape is strewn with the litter of broken-hearted mankind which has responded to the unfortunate words some have heard throughout life. For some of us, we are indeed thrilled to break the mold of sarcasm and cynicism. For others, there remains the most desperate of prisons because dreams and hopes are locked behind tight but invisible bars of assumed stupidity because such is what filled their ears from those they trusted most.

Do you notice some children doing poorly? It isn't because of social class nor ethnic group. It is because of word intake. Words of parents or teachers (or both) broke the tender backs of little children who didn't ever know it was possible to simply be good enough to find acceptance. Not so strangely, churches grow or decline according the selection of words coming from their leaders. Some come to life because of inspiring talk. Others are talked to death.

Talk is expensive.

Some reading this have no clue what I mean. You were never subjected to the daily reminders of being told how dumb and useless you were. However, those of us who were trained by it are now driven with irreversible passion to see that the entire world gets a chance to hear a few good words which assures others they are important. Such is the purpose of this after day. Together you and I join to see this world does not starve from malnutrition of good, healthy words.

Do not let any unwholesome talk come out of your mouths, but only what is helpful for building up others according to their needs, that it may benefit those who listen...Ephesians 4:29.


Tim said...

Terry - as usual, great post! I would add this: the fact that talk is indeed so expensive necessarily means it is also very very valuable!!! One cannot overestimate the importance of a well-timed encouraging word or a nicely placed praise phrase... you have spoken and written of such many times... I just thought this was the perfect place to re remind us of the positive power of Barnabas-speak!

God Bless!

Anonymous said...

The youth group at a local church is participating in this National Day of Encouragement and passing out green bracelets to remind folks to say encouraging things to those they come in contact.

Vasca said...

As usual...on target at the right time. I am amazed/distressed at the words that so upset and divide us. We are bombarded with it. Like? An insurance commercial showing a guy who accidentally hits the next car and politely asks forgiveness. The woman bounds out, screeching "I'll show you forgiveness" while repeatedly beating him ~ her husband "Hit him again, Rose." What in the world are people thinking? That type of stuff encourages people to! Christians even screech at other Christians in name it. Hey, every single day oughta' be national encouragement day...positively encouraging. Keep talking to us, Terry! Please! Vasca

Unknown said...

Needed to hear it. Thank you! ;o)
Happy I got to see you for 2.5 seconds today!

Liz Moore said...

Wow! What a great post! People so often speak with never a thought as to the aftermath of their words. Words are a beautiful thing, if used as you so beautifully illustrate every day to build others up. But one wrong word spoken in haste can destroy for a lifetime.

Thank you for always being such an encourager of others with your words. You are truly a wonderful vessel through which God speaks great words! Love you friend!