Saturday, August 09, 2008


When one considers how little our largest telescopic lenses can absorb among the vast galaxies and how brilliant a keyboard is to punch in a series of letters, dashes, and dots to send a blog from my house to yours, we must be highly impressed with MUCH LIFE AROUND US. Think about all of the brilliance which surrounds us. Garage doors lift with a click and dash boards notify us our seat belts aren't on.

Who thinks up this stuff? What kind of person creates a computer chip? Or, a laser beam? Who invents spark plugs and automatic washers? Brilliance surrounds us. How does spellcheck know me? Isn't it weird that I say print a part of this sentence in italics or bold or ALL CAPS IN BOLD ITALICS and it does?

I don't know the "who" of these brilliant creations. But we all know the Who behind every who. Isn't it something that man can become so impressed with so much he actually begins to think "we" did this? Tomorrow when you gather with your church family....applaud God. He alone is impressive.

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