Tuesday, July 08, 2008


Welcome to the set of our VBS's "Tune In2 Jesus!"
This over-sized couch and chair are perfect for keeping the kids' attention. Sunday was a time where were thought it might be, "Honey, I shrunk the preacher" Day.

So, to keep the kids interested, I preached from the living room chair! The much older kids stayed awake as well!

How fun!


Anonymous said...

You never cease to amaze us! We love you friend! -Joe and Becky

jackie chesnutt said...

I thought the chair was normal sized??????

Unknown said...

I have to say that's a great idea! I'm sure it did keep people awake! Thanks for your thoughts!

Anonymous said...

Wow, you sitting on that chair showed how much Hayden looks like his Pa.

Anonymous said...

It is photos like these that prove once and for all, and to the entire world that...

...Walling and Phillips are simply not in your league.

They can never touch your grandeur... or your chair height.

Thou rocketh, dude.