Wednesday, April 23, 2008


Most want to lead others to Jesus. Most are fearful of how to go about this task. (If you don't have my new DVD series on 100% Natural Evangelism, you need it. It is getting strong and encouraging reviews.) Here are good things to think on when wanting to reach out effectively:
  1. BE ASSURED.....everyone wants to know God at some point in their life.
  2. BE CONFIDENT.....God is able to draw them in when you don't know how or when or where.
  3. BE VISIONARY.....believe the day will come when every person you know will consider Jesus as their friend.
  4. BE PATIENT.....sow small and little seed. You aren't asked to hold a revival. Put your favorite book by Lucado or Swindoll on your desk and let it set. Note how many pass by and ask to read it. Loan it out. Extend invitations to church two or three times during the year. One day they'll most likely say yes.
  5. BE ATTENTIVE....just as being on time or returning phone calls count as good business etiquette, being sensitive/interested in those near you regarding their struggles, etc., is important.
  6. BE don't know all of the answers. No one is in search of a "know-it-all" so it's a tie! Enjoy your friends knowing they have a secret need to know God.
  7. BE CERTAIN.....even unbelievers have questions about God. One reason they will not enter or instigate a conversation about Him is they feel foolish. As self-protection they stay away from the topic...but are curious about Him.
  8. BE POSITIVE......speak of God in normal, consistent, and everyday conversation as to crediting Him with your good life. Brag about Him to colleagues pointing to His blessings in your path. Counter those who curse at Him by blessing at Him.
  9. BE casual tones let others know you are a happy and content person. Few Christians realize this counts. Why would unbelievers want any part of God if those who already know Him are still miserable. Put on your happy face!
  10. BE PRAYERFUL....share with God your needs, concerns, and celebrations. Trust Him to do more with those you are reaching than you can. He works.


Terry Rush said...

Dear Self,

I just want to point out how good this article is. Keep it up!


Sir Straw said...

Can't tell you how much 100% has helped encourage our group here. We feel restored to see just how amazing God is at bringing life to dead people both in the body and out. I see Him bringing more people to us and every where I go I am seeing the people in a new light. I am relaxing and letting Him go to work.

Some times we need to be our own cheerleader! But it helps to get encouragement from others, so go Terry, go!
