Monday, October 29, 2007


There's a lot of bad stuff going on. Darkness is being intentionally dispensed throughout. Negativity presses against the heart-walls of random and many victims. We must counter with godly brightness at every turn.

I cheer you on to cease skeptical sighs and pessimistic utterances which dampen the flaming and hopeful interiors of the hundreds who come into contact with you during the week. Your phone calls, your notes, your remarks, your instructions.....each should be packing a hefty amount of good-news light. Applaud and praise. Express your pleasure in other's efforts. Support everyone who tries...whether they succeed or fail....they tried.

Jesus is the Light-out-of-heaven! He left every setting in better condition than when he had entered. Every coffee shop, every encounter at the water fountain, each awaiting in line at the check-out counter or the tag agency, all greetings at the business entrance should be charged with our high voltage shining from the Spirit of Christ operating through us.

Don't hide your light under the bushel of frustration or irritation. Shine on. Lift your spirit in order to lift the spirits of others. We live in dark times. We are not called to curse the darkness; but rather, to dispel it by our brightness. May we so shine before men that we do not glare...but that we do give sufficient hope to transform the ugliest of days.


Donna G said...

Sometimes I am amazed at how God speaks to me. I needed to read this today and will probably copy it to my blog.

Thank you for helping me "snap out of" a dark place.

Lee Keele said...

Hey Terry,

With my recent blog posts I needed this one. It's easy for me to get defensive. I need to add a note of positive through it all. It's not just about cursing the darkness, it's about showing people that there are some corners of darkness that really arent' dark at all! If we can get them to see the light, they'll realize they've been in it all along.