Friday, March 16, 2007


You know me. I'm always up for taking the long-shot. Mark McGwire is the former St. Louis Cardinal homerun king who has received much negative publicity over substance abuse questioning on Capitol Hill. I like him. I feel sad at the news clips shown as they usually emphasize the worst. From my piddly experience I've seen enough misrepresention toward me, we have no idea how much it goes on with the celebs. And, I wonder how many stick with him....innocent or guilty.

Therefore, he and I exchange emails three or four times a year. I encourage him and sometimes he responds with a "Thank you" paragraph or three. Sometimes, there is no response and I am sure he appreciated my cheering on anyway.

This week I invited him to play golf in Memorial's golf scramble in April with Shawn Mayes, Ralph Gray, and me. Weirder stuff has happened. So, I gave it a shot. He turned me down. It's his wedding anniversary. How was I to know?

I tell you this to keep urging you along in knocking at all kinds of doors. On occasion they open and then it gets really exciting!

Have an exciting weekend!


Liz Moore said...

Enjoy your weekend! Next weekend will be a busy, but exciting one!! Love you!

Lee Keele said...

Knock, Knock. Who's there? Opportunity. (Door opens)

Stoogelover said...

As "they" say, you never know 'til you ask!