Tuesday, June 06, 2023


There might be a reader here or there who needs a word of encouragement regarding risk factors. I feel certain that we each repeatedly experience success due to simple evaluation of a project due to one's wisdom. And yet, I present an alternative concept which is also very much connected to one's success.
Of course, I speak of the value of risk.
Risk might tend to carry a negative and threatening banner of failure. Danger lurks. Fear, then, tends to enter the scene precisely where it also very much wishes to take up residence. And yet...and very much yet...risk may very well lead one to opportunity and success of which many only dream.
I would doubt that any successful person among us ever became successful without the draining and imposing threat of R-I-S-K. The challenge, obviously, is trying to determine whether an opportunity offers value or ignorance.
Both lurk. Bravery and boldness, though, are needed to help one to avoid mistakenly shelving grand opportunity.
What I'm wishing to convey to you is that each of us may find that we've misjudged several opportunicalistical situations along the way. Too, what I'm wishing to accomplish in this note is to encourage you to DARE TO KEEP TESTING the opportunities afforded you for one of those just may be success which, at the moment, is packaged in the fear of failure.
Failing people fail. But, successful people also fail. My message to you is that failure is not the conclusion of our walk. It is simply an important and useful tool. Failure matters and must be acknowledged. But the acknowledgement is to be determining whether one is being shut down or positioned for a re-opening of fabulous re-opportunity.
I like life for while it certainly has its ups and downs, true life uses doors opened/doors closed to lead one to the next strong opportunity. For you, some places in life close from time to time. Yet, be assured such a stall is simply the waiting room for even a better opportunity.
Risk may be challenging; but don't shelve it until you've given it significant evaluation for it just might be your entrance into success. All successful individuals faced this bold challenger known to all as R-I-S-K.

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