Shall we take this tiny portion of a time-slot in which we live and be builders of community and people? Or, shall we spend our slim amount of days on earth barking in disapproval of the passers-by? It is a choice, you know. Much of the negative speaking is merely done so unconsciously that one might hardly catch his or her complaining language. We seem to believe that we are just who we are and that's all we can do about it.
Yet, I say that one of the blessings of learning from God is that He transforms us into a new sort. And, within that transformational expanse is the truth that we clean up our language; our negative, bummeristic, sloppy speech that tears down with little effectivity toward building up. Barking has become an accepted trait of routine living.
In order to become a builder, we will want to subdue our barking inclinations. But how? What will help us clean up critical wordage? Consider the following as a means of helpful improvement:
1. Realize our own sins. The Bible makes this very clear that when we berate another, we are guilty of the very same things ourselves. Until we get over this, we will merely resent such a statement. Yet, when we realize that we are all alike, there seems to be a breeze of hope sweep through the room.
People all around us, very ordinary and good people, are in dire trouble due to their own unwise actions. We do not dismiss such actions. What we do, however, to keep from barking at them is to realize we are sinful, just as they. Otherwise, if not true of our own sins, why is Jesus' blood cleansing us day by day?
2. Realize the depths of others' struggles. No one needs our critical glare. Everyone needs our heartfelt compassion coupled with genuine understanding. There are, oh so, many who left church long ago because they inwardly determined that they weren't good enough. Good enough? Who sitting in church row is? Not one.
We are drawn to live in a self-absorbed fallen society. It got so bad years ago that Father sent Son down here on a mission. It was a bad as had been assumed. Jesus was executed. Barking was to have ended because there was no exception as to who was guilty among us. He died for all.
May we live in such appreciation and thankfulness that our first move each morning and last one each evening is spent calculating just how we my be better builders. Society needs our voices to do just that.
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