Friday, March 04, 2016


I've watched both Democrat and Republican debates with intensity.  Each presents a replica of some segment of the American fabric.  Some viewers like some of the candidates while others don't really care for any.  The sobriety of the process allows each of us to evaluate responsibly.  Men and women have died in service to their country so that we could participate in such an honorable format.

For those who watched last night's debate among the four Republican candidates in Detroit, what did you see?  Me?  I saw four men offer a bit of the best of themselves and then, at times, the worst of themselves.  The disrespectful talking over one another was annoying and did not put any in a good light.  Yet, there were moments of insight and depth of display that allowed us to ponder glimmering rays of hope.

The challenge of this political season is an identical challenge to the church's mission. Do we love people who don't behave or believe as we wish?  Or do we write them off like we do politicians who get under our skin?  Where people stand is not to be our first heart-beat.  It is, rather, to be of firm compassion for each is under severe weight of sinnership in need of redemptive works from Heaven.

Yes, we live in a freedom to select our favorite candidate.  We must guard our criticisms for our call, first, is to care about those who stand before us. Anyone can voice approval or disapproval.  Only by God's Spirit can we love even an opponent; can care for one who has vocal perspective against our possible preference.

This year's political scene, to me, is one of the more complex I've seen.  But, that could be just because I don't have a great recollection.  I know that if not careful, even Christians will build a subtle hatred for this one or that one or a few of those.  And right there is where we have skipped an essential beat in the makeup of what it means to be a believer.

We are called to believe in others when they can't/don't believe in themselves.  We are called to love others when they don't act in loving fashion.  We are expected to speak life into the dark arenas.  My questions is, Are we?  And the next one would be, Will we?

May we avoid speaking with disrespect regarding those on stage who speak with disrespect.  Being disrespectful of those I deem disrespectful is a trap which is far too easy for us to enter....I have already discovered....about myself.  May we rise up to care more about people than our positions and stances.


Brent Keck said...

Thank you Terry for challenging us to love in these challenging times.

Unknown said...

Thanks for the reminder and inspiration Bro! To love all, at all times, is after all the highest ethical plane to which through God's grace we all aspire.