Friday, March 13, 2015


Imagine creating a movie scene where the gangsters were in the beginning stages of plotting a show-down with the towns-people.  And while these evil planners were merely (unknown and unmarked) scouting out the territory, what if the citizens began bringing their gold, silver, cash, and jewelry to the town square and dumping all in huge tubs for any thieves to take at will?


Why would they surrender to robbery before these with planners even began to execute their strategies?  Why would a community do worse than defend their goods? Why would the place them out in the open for the dark side to plunder at will?  Why would a decent people possess no energy nor drive to stand against abuse?


Is this not a reflective scene of some of us who claim to walk by faith?  Have we not said to the Enemy, Here you are.  Take our congregations.  Take our families.  Take our missions.  Take our children.  We surrender them.

And how is it that we do this?

I believe we allow this due to lack of prayer.  Certainly, we can count the numbers of dear brothers and sisters who lead well or follow well in so many works of the church. Yet, this keeps us busy; but may not be keeping us healthy.

Who is praying?  Is it being done?  Yes.  Definitely.  But I think it is not being done by the majority.  This is my concern.  Statistically, I don't have a spreadsheet.  Listening to us, I believe I am accurate in my assessment.

We have work to do; big work.  We have God to believe; big God.  We have tasks before us; big tasks.  But we have not a prayer life to match.


This is the point of this post.  Could it be that prayer is diminished because we have failed to develop a faith of vision.  The church has succumbed to a whatever will be will be mode.  We've lost our way.  We've forgotten we can create, mold, and groom things that are not yet into being.  We've lost our sense of believing He is strong enough to create the very needs the church has to push back against the Gangsters.

Prayer is tempted to couple niceties with wishfulness.  I encourage you to be visionarily creative in seeking what God has in mind for you today; where, when, and why He wants to move you here and then there.

It is bizarre that we basically sit on our hands when the church and the scrambling world needs impact.  Pray is nothing new as far as topic.  It would be incredibly new to those committed in the church to do good; but can't seem to develop an activated faith.

God can always do more than we can imagine.  All love the text referenced from Ephesians 3:20.  What I wish to do to your day is encourage you to imagine more than surrendering to the dark forces simply because whatever will be will be.  

We have a bigger God than that.  May we develop a bigger faith to fit His size more than ours.

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